Basic Seminars: Speaking Techniques
The basic seminar is the cornerstone of the training.
We teach various speaking techniques that address different requirements of the art of public speaking.
Workshops offer techniques related to the art of speaking well, knowledge that allows you to express yourself with clarity, energy and strength using verbal communication:
- Breathing
- Enunciation
- Pacing
- Diction
- Rhythm
- Voice projection, etc.
Nonverbal communication:
- Body language
- Gestures
- Mimic
- Eye contact, etc.
The basic seminar also addresses other aspects of public speaking:
The opening
Body language
Voice modulation, etc.

Each series of exercises is followed by an evaluation which allows participants to better appreciate their progress.
Duration of Basic Seminar: 12 hours
Note: The duration of the lessons varies according to the client’s needs and preferences.
Our Courses Offer a Progressive Approach